The CMRI condemns any changes made to the Mass, however, freely make additions or subtractions as they deem necessary for the good of their order/expedience of the moment.
CMRI-removal of prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father. Since they do not believe we have a pope, these are an extraneous waste of time during their services.
Roman Catholicism-The 1957 Raccolta lists 4 standard intentions of the Holy Father for which we pray regardless if we have a sitting Pope or not. These are: 1) the progress of the Faith and triumph of the Church, 2) peace and union among Christian Princes and Rulers, 3) the conversion of sinners, and 4) the uprooting of heresy. Since they often espouse heretical positions, they certainly cannot pray that God will bring them back to the Faith and they themselves will give up their heresy.
CMRI-"You need to file for divorce first so you can control the process in Court." Mark Pivarunas
"You screwed up. You should have hired a lawyer." Mark Pivarunas
"She can ask the Court for a divorce." Mark Pivarunas
With the CMRI, civil divorce is completely acceptable. Whatever is necessary to restore peace to the majority of the followers.
Catholic teaching-Marriage is a religious matter and has no place in civil court. .Under Canon Law, civil divorce is only permitted after the proper proceedings under Canon Law have determined if the marriage exists.
"If you can say you were not married (to your first wife), I can then marry you (to a new wife). " Mark Pivarunas
Just the mere word from one wanting to remarry is enough to allow remarriage. No process beyond this is needed.
Catholic teaching-Marriage imparts an indelliible mark that is only dissolved upon the death of one of the parties. There is no divorce. Remarriage is only possible after one of the parties has died, or it can be shown before a marriage tribunal that the marriage is invalid and never truly existed.
Click here for a short article on the CMRI position on divorce.
CMRI-When confronted with false statements in court documents/testimony, CMRI clergy refused to confront the offenders or seek restoration of reputation for the victim. Please review the court documents under the abuse victim section regarding Kenneth and court documents. The petition for protection order contains several false statements.
When confronted about promoting a non-Catholic position, Mark Pivarunas vehemently denied making the statement. A week later he admitted he had said it, but qualified ... what I said is not what I meant. The person on the receiving end is not a mind reader. Nonetheless, Pivarunas was caught in a lie and made every effort to avoid the consequences rather than admit his sin and seek repentance
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." No longer a commandment....rather a mere suggestion.
Catholic teaching-all forms of lying and false testimony is a mortal sin. The sin must be confessed and every effort made to repair the injury.
Following explanation taken from Goffine 49th Edition pages 590-591
Instruction Concerning Perjury
Concerning Matt. XXIV 34, "Amen I say to you..."
The Son of God here, and elsewhere in the Gospel, confirms His word by an oath, as it were, for swearing is nothing else than to call upon God, His divine veracity, His justice, or upon His creatures in the name of God, as witness of the truth of our words. Is swearing, then, lawful, and when?
It is lawful when justice or necessity or an important advantage require it, and the cause is true and equitable. (Jer IV 2) "And thou shalt swear: As the Lord liveth, in truth, and in judgement, and in justice:" Those sin grievously, therefore who swear to that which is false and unjust, by which His eternal truthfulness and justice is desecrated; those sin who swear in a truthful cause without necessity and sufficient reason, because it is disrespectful to call upon God as a witness for every trivial thing. In like manner, those sin grievously and constantly who are so accustomed to swearing as to break out into oaths without knowing or considering whether the thing is true or false, whether they will keep their promise or not, or even if they will be able to keep it; such expose themselves to the danger of swearing falsely. "There is no one," says St Chrysostom, "who swears often, who does not sometimes swear falsely, just as he who speaks much, sometimes says unbecoming and false things." Therefore Christ tells those who seek perfection, not to swear at all, (Matt V 34) "But I say to you not to swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God:" that they might not fall into the habit of swearing and from that into perjury. He who has the habit of swearing should, therefore take the greatest pains to eradicate it; to accomplish which it will be very useful to reflect that if we have to render an account of every idle word we speak, (Matt XII 36) "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment." how much more strictly will we be judged for unnecessary false oaths! God's curse accompanies him who commits perjury, in all his ways, as proved by daily experience. He who commits perjury in court, robs himself of the merits of Christ's death and will be consumed in the fire of hell, which is represented by the crucifix and burning tapers, in the presence of which the oath 9in some places) is taken. If you have had the misfortune to be guilty of perjury, at once be truly sorry, weep for this terrible sin which you have committed, frankly confess it, repair the injury you may have caused by it, and chastise yourself for it by rigorous penance.
Does this heading shock you? Not if you follow the CMRI. When asked the question, "Why is someone who commits the sin of perjury (mortal sin) receiving communion when the perjury has not been recanted?" Pivarunas' answer, "Just receive the sacraments. Receive communion and you get graces." He was apparently trying to say that Holy Communion always imparts graces and allows the sinner's eyes to be opened so they can confess their sins.
Catholic teaching-"He who knowingly receives a Sacrament of the living while in the state of mortal sin commits the mortal sin of sacrilege." -Baltimore Catechism
Catholic teaching-He who goes to Communion in mortal sin receives Jesus Christ but not His grace; moreover, he commits a sacrilege and renders himself deserving of sentence of damnation. -Catechism of Pope Pius X Question 37
“For no crime is there heavier punishment to be feared from God than for the unholy or irreligious use of the Eucharist.”—Council of Trent, Chapter 6 on the Eucharist
The Church, as a good mother, warns us away from digging the hole deeper.
CMRI dresses their ministers to give the appearance of being a traditional Catholic order. But they rely on other tools as necessary to generate contributions. How many priests carry fishing gear, archery gear, shotguns for bird hunting, etc? Mark Pivarunas acts as a hunting and fishing guide for wealthy donors. He lines up land owners so these wealthy donors have places to enjoy themselves. Ensures the fat checks keep rolling in.
Catholic teaching-Hunting was primarily reserved to the nobility. The purpose was to eliminate threats to crops, livestock, and the citizens they protect. Secondarily, hunting is used to supplement food supplies. Hunting is not a means of entertainment as this would be cruel to the animal. Clergy do not participate in hunting as this is not part of their duty of state to provide physical protection for the laity. They certainly don't provide guided hunts as a means of paying their bills. Consider the following:
(Matt. XX 1-16) At that time Jesus spoke to his disciples this parable: The kingdom of heaven is like to an householder, who went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. And having agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And going about the third hour, he saw others standing in the market place idle. And he said to them: Go you also into my vineyard, and I will give you what shall be just. And they went their way. And again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did in like manner. But about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing, and he saith to them: Why stand you here all the day idle? They say to him: Because no man hath hired us. He saith to them: Go you also into my vineyard. And when evening was come, the lord of the vineyard saith to his steward: Call the labourers and pay them their hire, beginning from the last even to the first. When therefore they were come, that came about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first also came, they thought that they should receive more: and they also received every man a penny. And receiving it they murmured against the master of the house, Saying: These last have worked but one hour, and thou hast made them equal to us, that have borne the burden of the day and the heats. But he answering said to one of them: Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst thou not agree with me for a penny? Take what is thine, and go thy way: I will also give to this last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful for me to do what I will? is thy eye evil, because I am good? So shall the last be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.
Following explanation taken from Goffine 49th Edition for Septuagesima Sunday Pages 132-134.
In this parable, what is to be understood by the householder, the vineyard, the laborers, and the penny?
The householder represents God, who in different ages of the world, in the days of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and finally in the days of Christ and the apostles, has sought to call men as workmen into his vineyard, the true Church, that they might labor there industriously, and receive the penny of eternal glory.
What is meant by working in the vineyard?
It means laboring, fighting, suffering for God and His honor, for our own and the salvation of others. As in a vineyard we spade, dig root out weeds, cut off all that is useless and noxious, manure, plant, and bind up, so in the spiritual vineyard of our soul we must, by frequent meditation on death and hell, by examination of conscience dig up the evil inclinations by their roots, and by true repentance eradicate the weeds of vice, and by mortification, especially by prayer and fasting cut away concupiscence; by the recollection of our sins we must humble ourselves, and amend our life; in place of the bad habits we must plant the opposite virtues and bind our unsteady will to the trellis of the fear of God and of His judgement, that we may continue firm.
Who are standing idle in the marketplace?
In the marketplace, that is the world, they are standing idle who, however much business they attend to, do not work for God and for their own salvation; for the only necessary employment is the service of God and the working out of our salvation. There are three ways of being idle: doing nothing whatever; doing evil; doing other things than the duties of our position in life and its office require, or if this work is done without a good intention, or not from the love of God. This threefold idleness deprives us of our salvation, as the servant loses his wages if he works not at all, or not according to the will of his master. We are all servants of God, and none of us can say with the laborers in the vineyard that no man has employed us; for God, when he created us, hired us at great wages, and we must serve Him always, as he cares for us at all times; and if, in the Gospel, the householder reproaches the workmen, who no man had hired, for their idleness, what will God one day say to those Christians whom he has place to work in His vineyard, the Church, if they have remained idle?
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