Mark Pivarunas holds the position of Bishop with a group known as The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI)1. The CMRI, along with a myriad of other groups, make the claim that they are Traditional Catholics dedicated to preserving the Tridentine Latin Mass and upholding the teachings of the Catholic Faith prior to Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council. For people unfamiliar with the CMRI or what makes them unique is their curious blend of Protestantism and Traditional Catholicism.
Bishop Pivarunas and the CMRI are well known for position papers and sermons attacking the “errors” of Protestant philosophies as well as other Traditional Catholic groups who do not share CMRI beliefs. CMRI beliefs also include Sedevacantism2, a position which puts them squarely in opposition with most mainstream Traditional Catholics. One of the parallels drawn by Bishop Pivarunas in support of the sedevacantist position is between the Church of England set up by King Henry VIII and the changes made within the Catholic Church following the Second Vatican Council.
Among these parallels are the reason for the break between the Catholic Church and the Church of England; namely Papal claims of authority over the religious life of Christians. Among the consequences described by the CMRI are: 1) changes in the Mass, 2) changes in Church Teachings, 3) invalidity of Holy Orders, and 4) changes in family life.
Even as the CMRI condemns the post-Vatican 2 Church for these things, they employ protestant philosophies within their own organization. The CMRI and all Sedevacantist groups deny the election of all Popes since Pope Pius XII and therefore deny Papal authority over themselves and their followers. King Henry VIII of England held this position when he formed the Church of England and set himself up as head.
Because the world was Catholic at the time of the Protestant Reformation, a certain amount of slight of hand had to be employed so people leaving the Catholic Church would be comfortable with the services they would attend in their newly adopted religion. This technique was also used by The Bishops and scholars supporting King Henry VIII as they removed whatever they found offensive with Catholic services and ceremonies, but left enough of the order of service to give the appearance that little had changed. The CMRI has instituted changes within the Mass, Holy Week Services, and religious devotions going so far as to incorporate music specifically banned by the Catholic Church.
With the break from the Church of Rome, the Church of England also severed its lineage to the Apostles in regard to Holy Orders. Since Orders were no longer sanctioned by Rome, they are no longer valid. This is proven each time groups from the Church of England or their splinter groups return to harmony with the Church of Rome and voluntarily accept ordination. Although some of the priests in sedevacantist groups have legitimate Holy Orders, there is considerable question about the validity of Episcopal consecration and subsequent ordination of Priests and consecration of Bishops. Some realizing this have gone to the extreme of declaring themselves as Pope to justify their own orders.
Lastly, and the primary focus of this discussion, is the matter of family life. Traditional Catholics are noted for being strong supporters of the family unit and family values. Strong families and strong faith are an integral part of Catholic life and culture. Traditional Catholic teachings on marriage and family life delineate the family hierarchy and mutual support of the spouses for one another and the proper way to raise children. The upholding of family also discourages separation of married couples and forbids divorce and the subsequent destruction of the family.
Bishop Pivarunas has publicly promoted this position and has strongly condemned the post-concilliar Church for abuses and liberality in granting annulments. Traditional Catholics agree that a civil divorce is a grave public scandal and is forbidden. A Church approved separation can be obtained after a thorough investigation has been made and a determination serious grounds exist. Grounds for separation could include danger to the lives of a spouse and/or children or that one of the parties is incapable of handling financial affairs and it is evident they will cause serious damage to the family finances. Even if this is determined, it must be reviewed and approved by a Bishop. Both spouses understand that the marriage is not severed in any way and they are accepting that this is first a Church approved separation. If the dangers are determined to be significant enough, a civil divorce may be approved to provide civil legal protections.
In a surprising reversal of position, Bishop Pivarunas has now encouraged civil divorce for other reasons. Such was the case in October, 2008 with a couple to whom he served as spiritual advisor and pastor. The wife in this case had left the husband numerous times and had always returned when she discovered she could not provide for herself or the children. The family had experienced financial difficulties over the years due to her uncontrolled and unwise spending. Each time the husband asserted his authority as head of the family and refused to allow more spending, she would pack up the children and leave. Such was the final straw which caused the wife to seek divorce. She had complained about friends and relatives getting new cars and possessions and she needed to “keep up with the Jones’.” The husband forsaw the financial collapse of 2008 and recession of 2009-10. He denied the request to borrow for a new car citing adequacy of their current cars and the need to reduce their significant debt. Refusing to accept responsibility for her role in the rising debt, she abandoned her marriage in favor of an easy life on welfare.
With the initial filing for divorce the husband begged Bishop Pivarunas to counsel the wife against the divorce and to enforce Church teachings. Bishop Pivarunas made no significant effort to reconcile the couple or to assert Church teachings on the matter. Condoning what the wife was attempting; Bishop Pivarunas ignored the pleas of the husband for help, instead counseling him to obtain a lawyer to protect his property. To the strenuous objection of the husband (going as far as his incarceration for refusing to participate in activities ordered by the Court), the wife obtained a divorce. No formal investigation was ever conducted by Priests of the CMRI or decree issued by Pivarunas with his findings. It was all swept under the rug.
To the scandal of Catholics everywhere, Pivarunas welcomes the divorced woman and those publicly supporting her in this scandal at the communion rail every Sunday. He has thus invalidated the marriage vows, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.”
The hypocrisy of Bishop Pivarunas seems to have no bounds as he conducts wedding ceremonies in which he exhorts the couple to remain steadfast to their marriage vows while avoiding married couples in need of counsel. To the further scandal of those around him; as other couples having seen the success of one bad wife contemplate divorce, he spends his time hunting and fishing.
1 CMRI or Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen is a religious organization founded in 1967. It was formally organized in 1996. It is set up under civil law as business corporation and is a curious blend of pre-1962 Catholic Tradition and Protestant philosophy. To suit their particular purposes, the CMRI engage in the prohibited practice of altering the Catholic Mass and other liturgical services (removal of prayers and ceremonies which contradict their philosophical positions), reinterpret Church teachings to benefit individual contributors (divorce as mentioned above), and incorporate Protestant theology and worship practices (divorce, forbidden music and composers, etc).
2 Sedevacantism is a belief that there is no head of the Catholic Church. “The term "Sedevacantism" is derived from the Latin phrase sede vacante, which literally means "the seat being vacant", the seat in question being that of a bishop. A specific use of the phrase is in the context of the vacancy of the Holy See between the death or resignation of a Pope and the election of his successor. "Sedevacantism" as a term in English appears to date from the 1980s, though the movement itself is older.[1]
Sedevacantists believe that Paul VI (1963–1978), John Paul I (1978), John Paul II (1978–2005), Benedict XVI (2005-his resignation), and Francis have been neither true Catholics nor true Popes, by virtue of allegedly having espoused the heresy of Modernism, or of having otherwise denied or contradicted solemnly defined Catholic dogmas. Some of them classify John XXIII (1958–1963) also as a Modernist antipope.” Taken from Wikipedia
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